True Digital Park: Enabling seamless path for foreigners to Thailand with LTR Visa

  • Lifestyle
  • August 22, 2023
True Digital Park: Enabling seamless path for foreigners to Thailand with LTR Visa
In a rapidly globalizing world, individuals with talents seek opportunities beyond borders. Thailand, renowned for its cultural richness and economic dynamism, has emerged as a favored destination. With the introduction of the Long-Term Resident (LTR) Visa, the country has taken a remarkable step to attract and nurture talents. One individual from the US, Peter Joung, recently embarked on this journey with the support of True Digital Park, a certified agency approved by Thailand's Board of Investment (BOI) for the LTR Visa program.

Mr. Joung was seeking an LTR visa under the wealthy pensioner category with True Digital Park and has successfully received the visa on 16 August 2023.  His experience is a testament to the commitment and expertise that True Digital Park brings to the table. In his words, "I am writing to extend my sincere appreciation for the exceptional service provided by True Digital Park in assisting me with my Thailand Long-Term Resident (LTR) visa application." This sentiment encapsulates the service quality that has become synonymous with the organization.


From the initial stages of the application process, True Digital Park staff demonstrated a level of professionalism that distinguishes them. With meticulous attention to detail, they ensured Mr. Joung had all the necessary documentation in place while meeting crucial deadlines. What often proves to be a complex process was made seamless under their expert guidance. Their proactive approach included liaising with the BOI office on Mr. Joung's behalf, providing swift resolutions to any queries he had.


The True Digital Park staff has also accompanied him to the BOI office for the finalization of his LTR visa stamps. This personalized support reflects their commitment to the success and well-being of their clients.


Throughout the entire journey, the efficiency and expertise of True Digital Park were evident. Their dedication to delivering exceptional service left a lasting impression on Mr. Joung. "It's clear that their team takes immense pride in their work, and their dedication shines through in every interaction," he commented. This sentiment speaks volumes about the organization's commitment to excellence.


Mr. Joung's journey is a testament to the outstanding service quality that True Digital Park consistently delivers. As Thailand positions itself as a hub for high-potential individuals, True Digital Park stands as a beacon of reliability, ensuring a smooth and successful transition for those pursuing the LTR Visa program.


  • Visa
  • LTR

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