3 Reasons Why Plant Based Meat is Becoming Popular

  • Lifestyle
  • August 11, 2020
3 Reasons Why Plant Based Meat is Becoming Popular
Innovations in plant-based meat are now being redefined and developed in labs by using synthetic alternatives. Here are more reasons why plant-based meat will be the next big thing in these coming years.

Plant-based meat has the ability to transform the future of food as plants now can be a direct source of protein and have nutritional value that is identical to real meat. Also, the number of meatless alternatives available on the market have been increasing over the last few years.

For many people, the reason for going meatless is a belief that killing to eat is wrong, and they care about animal welfare. But are those the only two factors behind the rise of plant-based meat?

Here are more reasons why plant-based meat will be the next big thing in these coming years.

1. Eating Plant-Based Meat Can Reduce the Risk of COVID-19 Infection

Although plant-based meat was popular before the outbreak of COVID-19, more people seek safer and healthier alternatives, in order to reduce the risk of COVID-19 infection. Plant-based meat can support the immune system as it has nutrients such as vitamins and minerals that keep your cells healthy and protect you against germs and microorganisms. It is also likely that COVID-19 originated in animals, prompting people to become more cautious in eating meat and gradually switching to a plant-based diet.


2. Plant-Based Diet Is Better for the Environment

Eating plant-based meat is good for the environment for many reasons. The main reason is that it is more sustainable and much more efficient than growing plants to feed animals. According to a study by the Good Food Institute, it was shown that plant-based meat uses 47%-99% less land, emits 30%-90% less greenhouse gas, causes 51%-91% less aquatic pollution and uses 72%-99% less water.


3. Going Meatless Can Change Your Body Function

Protein is essential for cell and tissue growth. However, unlike plants, animal fat, animal-based iron and other preservatives used in animal meat can damage pancreatic cells, worsen inflammation, reduce the ability of insulin function as well as cause weight gain.


For these reasons, the plant-based meat market saw a rise in production around the world. This market now accounts for a value of USD 12.1 billion in 2019 and expected to grow to USD 27.9 billion by 2025. We can see the rise in demand for plant-based meats, as well as an increasing trend of plant-based meat startups in many countries, including Thailand.


  • Health
  • Food

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